Craft Building
Craft Building
This building was completed in summer 2022 and officially opened during our open day on 4th September 2022. This building was conceived to enshroud a rather ugly portacabin that was given to the garden to house our grass cutting machines and garden tools. The building was constructed by The Ridge Foundations, Dunbar using money raised through donations, Open days, a grant from the National Lottery Community Fund, money raised through the Scotland Gardens Scheme and a prize given by the Youth Philanthropy Initiative ( three pupils from Ross High School Tranent nominated the garden and two of them were present at the open day to cut the ribbon). Work on fitting out the building is continuing, with an electricity supply imminent and plumbing for sinks and a hose outlet already complete. A large water holding tank has been installed to collect rainwater from the roof and this can be used in the creation of a nearby pond and wetland area The building is used regularly during volunteer sessions and for educational purposes such as willow weaving and beekeeping courses.