
Volunteers have a key part in designing all our projects. An idea for a project is discussed in the wider group and co-ordinated by the Volunteer Steering Group. Volunteers are recruited to specialist groups and working parties that suit their energies and interests.

All volunteers help with general maintenance of the garden and can chose whether to work within a group or on their own. There is always weeding, mowing, staking and pruning to be done. We understand that some volunteers may prefer less physically taxing tasks and can do as little or much as they wish.

Current Projects

Woodland Garden

Our plan is to plant native trees and shrubs including fruits and nuts, integrated with edible plants.

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Vegetable Beds

We have established vegetable beds in the North-West area of the garden using a variety of methods from sheet mulching using cardboard, compost and manure, to the construction of long-term Hugel beds…

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Craft Building

With this exciting new space completed, we have been hosting craft workshops and look forward to doing many more. Please look out for details on our website or sign up to our newsletter to receive notifications of upcoming events…

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See The Garden Page for more…

Past Projects

Creating the Willow Bed

Since the first harvest our  willow has really thrived and is growing vigorously, providing spring blossoms for the bees and a dense habitat for insects and birds.

Setting up the Beehives

A traditional bee skep or alviary, made from willow and coated in cloam, has been placed in a shelter on the South-facing wall of the garden above the vegetable beds.

Building the Hut

In January 2018 we bought a hut in kit form using a grant from East Lothian Council. We dug out foundations and constructed the hut during the Spring and later in the year we fitted a woodstove.

Soft Fruit, Herbs and Cut Flowers

We supply cut flowers to local flower arrangers, who give us a donation towards our charity. Further down the south-facing slope are the raspberries, strawberries and other soft fruits that were established in 2018 with a generous grant from Finnis-Scott.

Planting the Orchard

One of the first things our  volunteers did was to plant an orchard of Scottish and English heritage apple trees. Many of these trees were individually funded by donors in memory of a loved one.